Be transformed

I really love education.

I think often about the ways and means one can acquire information.

In an age and time where information is at our fingertips, literally, we have access to more knowledge than ever before.

But… knowing isn’t always enough and knowledge doesn’t necessarily equate to power. 

…that requires an understanding of when knowledge should be applied in a given context. That’s wisdom. 

Thus, while stockpiling information is informative…action and transformation is accomplished through applied knowledge.

There’s no limit to the opportunity to expand our understanding.

In fact, our brains have an incredible capacity for growth—that’s neuroplasticity. Meaning your brain on a physical level can remodel itself to function in a new way. 

Changing the physical pathways in your mind is literally renewing your mind. 

We stretch, grow, and encounter new challenges that force our minds to assimilate and accommodate new information. 

But as I stated earlier, the goal is true transformation.

To confront those old, wore roads in our brains and pave the way for something new!

That’s why I love to learn.

And because it’s not just about accumulation but dissemination of knowledge, I love to teach. 

Sharing can be caring in a world where silos dominate and people would seemingly rather hear what makes them comfortable. 

Here’s my personal example 😊

One of my favorite topics is identity… Some say it’s how you see yourself, others how others see you, or even your skills and competencies. 

But perhaps it is simply the fact of being yourself… I am Anita. I am identified and called by my name. It’s my own personal specification and recognition as myself. 

So what’s the teachable moment here?

For me it was/is untangling labels, falsehoods, and ungodly beliefs associated with my being and getting to the root of myself.

I am not just a bundle of labels. 

I am not my work performance, athletic ability, appearance, age, race, gender, relationship status, or even the next best personality test or strength finder. 

These are all attributes of myself but who is self? 

Honestly, I am still working through that. 

Gratefully, I’ve made many improvements over the years… less reliant on status or job title…but I am still renewing my mind to the root

Still digging the old pathways and actively rejecting what is not the truth regarding my worth and value. 

Here’s the truth, before my days were written, even one, the Lord know me. And because He knew me, I AM, can show me. 

That’s a journey of discovery and renewal. 

Because when I don’t know He does and when I ask He reveals.

Who knows us better than our Maker 😊

The path I am working out in my mind is embracing my God-given self…

Not the labels and tags from the world’s opinions and judgement. 

Just being me. A work in progress but nonetheless His masterpiece.

That change in pathways is a great place to be. 

Little by little, a little becomes a lot. That’s progress, that’s power!

His Best Always,


It will not delay!

When a word comes to me back-to-back, I pay extra attention. This time it was Habakkuk 2:3 after noticing a post on Habakkuk 2:2 a couple days ago.

Like I’ve done in the past (but not recently), I did my own little study/breakdown of this single verse.

What stood out to me this time were the words linger, wait, and delay. At face value these mean the same thing, right? Not exactly…

So I go to my concordance to confirm these are indeed different words with different meanings. And they are (Hebrew word at the bottom of the left page).

Without the extra definitions the scripture reads like this:

For the revelation awaits an appointed time;
it speaks of the end
and will not prove false.
Though it linger, wait for it;
it will certainly come
and will not delay.

Then I went to Google the English definition to sort out the meaning. Asking the Lord on the way to make this make sense because clearly, God isn’t telling me that the vision waits, so wait, because it won’t wait. Haha, no.

To get more clarity, I got the English definitions to fill in the gaps.

With the extra definitions it reads like this:

For the revelation awaits an appointed time;
it speaks of the end
and will not prove false.
Though [a long time is spent, a period of time passes slowly], [stay where you are until a particular time or until something else happens] for it;
it will certainly come and will not [postpone, take place at a time later than first scheduled, defer, be left behind].

Of all these inserts, the expanded definition of delay was most powerful to me because it referenced the first part of the verse, an appointed time!

And in case you’ve gotten this far and still feel a little discouraged, remember twice in this verse we are assured of the truth of the matter… the vision will surely come to pass, it won’t prove false!

Yet still, the tricky part about humanity is time can CRAWL. Especially when there is something God has placed on your heart. A revelation or a vision yet to come to pass. But be encouraged that it will happen.

In the meantime, strengthen yourself in your spirit. Sing songs and praise the Lord! Because Lord knows there is no other source of true strength than the joy of the Lord.

That is my current season. I choose joy!

#waitwell #workthewait #choosejoy

His Best Always,


Your call right now

“Your calling to your sphere of influence is important! Don’t worry about the numbers, just be obedient right where you are.”

As I finished up my workday and reflected on my future career/life, God gave me the words above.

I think that is especially timely at this point in year. Perhaps you had goals that have already fallen to the wayside. Or perhaps your goals and dreams are moving at a snail’s pace. Whatever the case, the point is to rest in God’s grace for wherever you are right now.

Set your heart and mind to His standards and not the world’s. Yes, you may be called to nations and thousands upon thousands. Your business or career may become widely successful. Or you may be called to a close few in a small part of your local community or your family.

But guess what? You are still successful as long as you are being obedient. The world would have you think you need a certain number of followers or a certain amount of dollars to be worthy of being an influencer.

Folks, we are all influencers! We all have an impact on the people and places we encounter. So no matter where you are or what you are doing, do it with all your might unto the Lord (Colossians 3:23-24).

Enjoy your process and enjoy your journey. Embrace your call right now. Big or small results are not your measure of worth.

Let us all get to the end of our race to hear “Well done!” (Matthew 25:21).

His Best Always,


Word for the year: RECALIBRATE


Definition: to check again by comparison with a standard (true value).

Why is this important?

We set our lives against various standards/values (definitions below). However, without recalibration we can veer off course. We have the intention to stay the course and yet we can drift away from that path.

By recalibrating, we put our values before us and check the fruit of our lives against these values. Does the fruit of our lives measure up to the standard?

It is not a matter of perfection, but it is a matter of honest reflection. If we find we are off from the standard, then we need to make adjustments.

This applies to health, finances, relationships, mindset, beliefs, business, ministry, etc. All areas of our lives can use examination and possibly adjustment to get back in line.

And sometimes, perhaps even the standard itself needs to change. Some of the strife in our lives is because we are trying to strive to obtain a standard that is not the truth or even down right harmful.

So with all that said, let’s go folk! RECALIBRATE

Little by little, a little becomes a lot. ✅

Check: examine (something) in order to determine its accuracy, quality, or condition, or to detect the presence of something.

Comparison: a consideration or estimate of the similarities or dissimilarities between two things or people.

Standard: an idea or thing used as a measure, norm, or model in comparative evaluations.

Value: a person’s principles or standards of behavior; one’s judgment of what is important in life.

Nita ❤️

Career and Calling

I am still very passionate about careers and decision-making. Having gone on my own journey from bioengineer to PhD in STEM Education to Research Analyst in Financial Services (not to mention the jobs in my teen years), I sometimes reflect/lament “What am I doing? Where is the path?”

But in earnest we (people) are seeded and gifted with a variety of talents and treasures. These skills and abilities provide us the means to work, earn and care for ourselves.

The world may make you feel you have to do or be one thing your entire life. For some people that may be true, you may have one career trajectory. But others may move place to place. However, the most important aspect of career and calling is obedience.

It is very easy to chase money, accolades, and status and ignore God’s prompting. Success in God’s eyes is not always tied to worldly prosperity but the promise is you will always be taken care of.

The matter of career and calling is something every person (at all ages) can reflect on.

I found the article (linked here) a great read!

His Best Always!


Praying for Blessing

What you think you are praying for vs. What you are actually praying for

The blessing will come but it always comes with a season of character development.

For example, you may desire a pay raise but if you have not learned to be disciplined in your finances and a good steward of what you are already managing, that pay increase will end up being disasterous. And you could end up worse than when you started!

Another example, you are praying for good relationships. God will provide opportunities to show yourself friendly and develop in that area. You will have opportunities to sharpen your discernment so you can rightly divide truth in your relationships. A wise person keeps wise counsel!

Last example, you are praying for God to use you in a mighty way. He will try your heart, motives, pride, and intentions. How can He trust you with His sheep if your true desire is to glorify yourself? Your character must be refined lest you wound someone else in your ego trip.

Bottom line: Praying to God for good things is not necessarily wrong, but always orient your heart to God things. His purposes, his plans and his will for your life. And in the waiting, be prepared to develop!

Even if!

Yesterday, I mowed the lawn! As my young adult group asked for praise reports at the end of our meeting, I was trying to encourage myself to speak up. I wanted to speak about a recent development but felt my news (while good) was still sad. Nearly missing the window of opportunity as closing prayer was about to start, I sheepishly cleared my throat and shared.

Before I get into the importance of the lawn revelation, let me set the backstory.

Some of you may know I was diagnosed with Acromegaly in January 2019. This discovery happened after going in for a regular women’s annual, asking for full blood work (because I felt the Lord prompt me to ask), being referred to a general doctor, then directed to get an MRI because they still did not know that cause of the abnormal blood work results. Ultimately, the doctors found a pituitary tumor on the MRI and about 6 months later I underwent surgery to remove as much of the tumor as possible. This was a partial success as 70% was safely removed. The other 30% I was told was to be treated medicinally due to the tumor’s location.

Sidenote: That whole process is another praise report entirely (yes bad news can be good news if that good news is ultimately for your good). However, I digress…let me get back on the present topic.

How does this little backstory relate to my excitement over mowing the lawn?

Through my medical journey I had various reactions to the medication… fatigue, high blood sugar, lack of focus and depressive symptoms to name a few. One medication in particular was especially draining. As I was trying to manage my “regular” routines, the regulars become more difficult. I was tired attempting to complete tasks that in the past I could have done with relative ease or at least without feeling faint! This new and stronger medication simply was not working for me.

All this to say, I was very out of sorts, uncomfortable, and started developing a general anxiety over how my days were going to go.

But there has been real change in the last few months! My doctor changed my medication, I made adjustments to my diet, and have seen great improvement in my energy levels as well as symptoms. Moreover, my bloodwork in trending in the right direction!

Therefore, I triumph and have a praise for being able to mow the lawn! I have been able to say yes and enjoy activities that I would have otherwise declined because I knew my body could not handle it.

It’s a beautiful thing!

And as I continue to walk out my health journey, I am reminded of the “even if”. Even if it’s hard, even if I am never back to how I used to be, I can praise the Lord for where I am. I can choose not to wallow in the what ifs of my diagnosis, potential costs (physical, financial, emotional, mental or otherwise), and dozens of “I don’t know how this is going to work out” thoughts.

I can simply say that God has been there for me even if. ❤️

What a powerful revelation a lawn can be!

His Best. Always.


P.S. I am so VERY happy to be a part of the small young adult group at my church. Women and men of God that share openly and love BIG! They inspire some of my writings and remind me that having the right community around you can make all the difference. I’m so very thankful for this tribe of people I have been able to start genuinely connecting with. Our meeting tonight reminded me to put a praise back on my lips (not just going through the motions) and share this little testimony. Even if!

Still Going Good?

Like me, you may be in the thick of it. But just because all things are not good, does not mean God is not good at all times.

This is the thought I’ve been trying to impress upon my mind. At present, it is not a matter of logic or reasoning. I know what the Bible says about trial and tribulation, but even then I can drift into complaint and woe is me. Not soon after it’s murmuring, criticalness, judgement, doubt, unbelief, anxiety, depression, fear…the list goes on and on.

After all, we are not promised a pain free, worry free, or even easy lifestyle until we coast into eternity. BUT… I refuse to stay downcast in the negativity and focus just on hardship and struggle. Yes, there will be hardship but I am not alone! BUT GOD!

And so I have to take heart and stand on God’s word. Here’s a paraphrase of a few scriptures that remind me to do that.

There will be trial and tribulation in this world but we are to take heart that Jesus has overcome the world. (John 16:33)

There will be cares but we are to cast our cares on the Lord because He cares for us. (1 Peter 5:7)

There will be weakness but the Lord’s strength is made perfect in us and His grace is sufficient. (2 Corinthians 12:9)

There will be discomfort but Jesus has already sent The Comforter. (2 Corinthians 1:3-5)

There will be emotional turmoil but we are not alone. (Psalm 34:18)

There will be unsettling but His peace is perfect. (Isaiah 26:3-4)

There will be darkness but He is the light. (Psalm 18:28)

There will be sorrow but troubles do not last always. (Psalm 30:1-5)

Thus, with these reminders, with my mind and heart turned back to God, I look up and see! God is always there in my “theres”. My challenge is to put my focus and attention on the Lord, not my circumstances.

God is still good.

When I renew my mind to this truth and I am lifted out of the muddiness of my sorrow, my thoughts are refreshed and soon my actions and behaviors follow.

The storm of my soul is stilled by focusing on Jesus.

Thus, my faith is growing to maturity. Moment by moment, I am learning to stand with more fortitude on God’s promises over my life.

After all, I have seen Him move in my life before and I will see Him move again. Nothing is too big or too hard for God.

God is still good.

His Best. Always!


Little by little, Not all at once

There is wisdom in working the process. If you were free from all your struggles, all your adversity, all the blockages to your Promised Land all at once, you won’t have the strength to maintain it all. It would be overwhelming!

Wisdom works the process and takes ground little by little.


Points to Ponder: How does the concept of “little by little” make you feel? What areas in your life can you get back in step with God’s process? Talk to God about your answers to these questions.

His best always,





Behind the writing veil:

A little backstory this post. I woke up at 7:22am yesterday morning. There was nothing in particular that made this a special number, but I figured there could be more to it.

I knew this because I used to be in the habit of looking up a scripture for the time of day I awoke. Without fail, the Lord would meet me in new and interesting ways. This practice ALWAYS gave me anticipation for my mornings because the Lord always spoke to me through a “random” verse.

Yesterday I read Deuteronomy 7:22 and received this beautiful interpretation. This was rather atypical for me because I usually just read the scripture in a few translations to see what speaks to me or try to read through all the scriptures on a first page of Google.

But yesterday GOD DID A NEW THING and gave me a translation of my own. Just goes to show you never know how God will meet you in your quiet time. 🙂

Purpose, Calling, Identity

Such a loaded title. What a hefty set of words: Calling, Purpose, Identity. The very essence of meaning in our lives can be summed up with these three words. And yet can be the source of so much aghast, confusion, and searching. We could spend a lifetime trying to find ourselves and still be no closer to the truth.

Because the truth of the matter is… to be found we must look to our creator. The creation cannot determine why it was made. It simply is and exists for a purpose.

Let’s start with the first word, Purpose. Why am I?

The world gives many reasons and answers to this question but ultimately you are because of God’s grace and divine purpose to bring about reconciliation to himself. Our purpose is to know and have intimate fellowship with God through Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit. By this fellowship, this relationship, our purpose is to be ambassadors of Christ on earth. To fulfill the great commission.

Matthew 28:18-20 “Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

That’s it. This is our purpose. Yet, how purpose is filled looks different for each of us.

This is where calling comes in.

A calling is simply an invitation. God calls us to join him in his great work. We have a choice to answer or not; to be obedient or not.

I encourage you to think beyond the singular here. You may have many calls over your lifetime. In different seasons of your life. Calling is not just limited to your career. All encompassing, callings are directives from God to go or do a particular thing.

And might I add, this may or may not be pleasant. Even Jesus asked his Father to let the cup pass from him (Matthew 26:39). That he be spared having to go through with the crucifixion but in the end submitted to the will of God, his father.

You see calling will take us into the deeps of despair and brings us to the highest of joys. It all works together. The point of our calling is to fulfill God’s purpose and plan.

Romans 8:28 ““And we know that all that happens to us is working for our good for those who love God and are called according to his purpose.”

Proverbs 19:21 “Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.”

This is where thinking about identity becomes so important.

Identity as the world discusses and conceptualizes it is much about the self. It is about our affinity, personality, ego, and uniqueness. But there is a difference when you think about identity or rather what is means to identify with Christ.

Being one with Christ means we are identified, recognized by God as heirs and co-heirs with Christ. We have been adopted into sonship, daughtership. It is not longer about our old self and it’s labels.

Romans 8:16-17a “the Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. And if we are children, then we are heirs: heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ.”

Galatians 3:28 “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”

Who are you? You are the idem. Latin for “same”. Your identity is the same as Christ. That is the bedrock of who you are as a child a God.

We are marked and distinguished in our inward selves by the Spirit and the fruit of our fellowship with Christ bears out for all to see.

John 13:34-35 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

This is our purpose, our calling, our identity. One body, many members. Brothers and sisters in Christ.

His Best!

