A Prayer to Persist in Purpose

When purpose seems to elude you When the path, once clear, is darkened with shade When your heart is troubled and faith is a flicker Reach out to the Lord, open your mouth and pray. A Prayer for Purpose Lord, I confess I am adrift but you Lord make all crooked paths straight. Thank youContinue reading “A Prayer to Persist in Purpose”

James 1:4

I pray you find the strength in your Heavenly Father to endure the trials that have beset you. May you be empowered by the Holy Spirit to carry out all that God has entrusted to you. Be not weary on well-doing. Do not faint and do not lose heart. Be joyful in affliction and patientContinue reading “James 1:4”

8 Powerful Prayers

Fill in the blanks for yourself or others or just pray it like it is. ❤️ 1) Praying for relationships with others God, I confess that I need your help in the area of relationships. Lord give me the wisdom to know how to love well and to set healthy boundaries in my relationships withContinue reading “8 Powerful Prayers”